Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You

 Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You
After you meet a woman and date her, you get to know her better. You probably start feeling closer to her and may even find yourself falling in love with her. But her feelings may still remain a mystery to you. You’re not even sure whether you’re doing things right. How can you get her to fall in love with you? Here are 10 ways that you can make a woman fall in love with you, and at the end of it, she’s sure to be crazy about you.

It’s always said that wome manuture faster than guys and are often found complaining about how immature they act. Impress her with the way you deal with situations and your outlook on the whole. Show her how responsible you are about finances, or serious you are about your career. And demonstrate your ability to think clearly and rationally when disagreements crop up or conflict of interests presents itself.

Women love it when a guy takes interest in their likes, dislikes, interests, family, childhood and so many other areas. Talking to her about herself is the best way to make her fall in love.

2. Romance her

Make her feel good by keeping the romance alive in the relationship. You don’t have to spend a whole lot of money doing this. Sure, there isn’t a woman alive who soesn’t adore flowers and gifts, but you can also do things that don’t cost a lot but can still enhance your relationship. Write her little notes or send her a mushy card. Call her up just to tell her you’re thingking about her and can’t wait to see her again. Be attentive and make her feel cherished and truly special.

3. Faithful

Don’t ever give her occasion to doubt you. Let her know that you have eyes only for her and the rest of the world takes a backseat. Let her sense your commitmen to her and your relationship. Being able to trust someone and truly rely on him is a very powerful feeling. So many people profess deep feelings and then cheat on their partners. Don’t just tell her but show her that she can count on you. Women need to feel secure and once that is established, it takes the relationship to a higher level.
                                                     Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You
4. Time spent with her is precious

Make it clear that you really treasure the time you spend with her, irrespective of what you’re doing together. And prove it! For instance, if she suddenly tells you she’d like to meet you because she’s finishing work early and you had something else lined up, cancel it for her. That doesn’t mean you cater to her to the exclusion of everything else, just that you sometimes sacrifice something you care about to be with her. If she begs you to come see a movie and you had plans with your buddies, do it for her and let her know subtly that you did. She will surely reward you! Women also love it if you do some girl stuff with them like shopping for lingerie, and aren’t afraid of sacrificing your masculinity in process. It just makes you more of a man in their eyes!

5. Compliment her

You don’t have to go over the top always telling her how good she looks or how georgeous her hair is or what a lovely outfit she’s wearing. A compliment has more effect when it is sincere, well timed and often, out of the blue. While a woman always loves hearing that she’s looking good, you can’t keep telling her that. It will lose its charm eventually. A compliment is valued when there is a surprise element to it. Telling her how witty you find her, how her intelligence turns you on, appreciating how thoughtful and generous she can be, or her gentle nature, all these are deeper compliments, wich, when paid sincerely, make the recipient feel ten feet tall.
                             Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You

6. Laughter

Use humor as your biggest ally. If she enjoys your company and looks forward to seeing you again. You’re rapidly becoming an addiction, and that’s just what you’re aiming for. It’s not about making her laugh over your one-liners and finding you hilarious. It’s more about being on the same wavelength and enjoying the other’s sense of humor too. Or finding humor in similar situations or having a favorite serial or sitcom, which you talk about and cracks you up. Finding the same joke funny, or sharing a smile, draws you closer and makes you feel like kindred spirits. It’s a great feeling!

7. Learn what turns her on

And use it to advantage. Find out just the kind of touch that excites her, how she loves to be kissed. Don’t ever push her for sex or make her uncomfortable by coming on too strong. Let her see the effect she has on you, yet keep a strong rein on your passions if she decides she wants to call a stop to it. Let her set the pace, and ensure she understants that while your desires for her are strong, you will respect the limits she sets. Respect her and her body and she will appreciate you morefor it. Women love it when they can see how much they turn you on and yet find you willing to take it slow for their sake. Also, when you make love to her, don’t always kiss her or carres her as a lead up to having sex. Do it just to make her feel special and because you want to convery that to her, and she will adore you for it.

8. Give her space

Don’t be possessive and make her account to you regarding her whereabouts. Let her know you trust her. Don’t expect her to spend all her free time with you. Let her have her own life too. Often in a relationship, people make the mistake of spending every waking moment that they can manage together, and in the process, alienate themselves from friends and even lose their identity. Let her be her own person.
                                                     Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You
9. Thoughtful

You remember little things she told you, and remind her of it at opportune moments. It may be that she once mentioned she loves having chicken soup when she’s got a cold, and you land up with some when she’s got the sniffles. Or she’s told you how she adores a particular entrée at a popular restaurant and the next time you go there, you order it and surprise her. It makes her feel like you genuinely listen to her and take the trouble to act on it and make her happy.

10. “I Love you”

And of course, while showing her should give her the message, there’s a lot to be said for saying it loud and clear. Tell her how important she is to you. You might want to think about when you’re first going to tell her those three words. If it’s too early in the relationship, she might be skeptical that you could feel so deeply so soon. And thereafter, it’s not just choosing the right moment, but making every small moment count. You don’t have to wait only till you’re kissing her, or in bed. Saying it when it’s least expected makes it all the more precious. She might be telling you something and the feeling just overwhelms you – tell her at that instant. She won’t mind being interrupted mid – sentence!

Secret Ways To Make A Women Fall In Love With You

Infidelity: When to make up, when to break up?

Infidelity: When to make up, when to break up
An infidelity is a betrayal, a loss of trust. It is lying or disloyalty to one’s partner or lover. Infidelity may be sexual or emotional in nature and typically involves a third person. Infidelity does not necessarily involve physical separation, but can be characterized by emotional detachment as well. Emotional detachment can happen when you lose your partner’s trust or if you lie to your partner or tell them half-truths. Betraying your partner may inflict a deep pain that is difficult to repair and sometimes causes irrevocable damage to the relationship that hastens its end. There are many things that can occur in the wake of an infidelity. If you are married, an infidelity could lead to divorce. If you are in a committed relationship, it could lead to a break up.

So what happens after infidelity occurs in your relationship?

There are distinct stages a relationship goes through in the wake of an infidelity.

1. Roller Coaster Stage. This is the stage where strong emotions arise - emotions such as anger and self-blame followed by a period of introspection and appreciation of the relationship. Just like it says, your emotions go for a roller coaster ride, up and down, round and round and it’s a bit hard to figure out exactly where you are.
2. Moratorium Stage. This stage is a less emotional stage, at least for the person who was cheated upon. In this stage, the person affected tries to make sense of the betrayal. They may ask for more detail about the affair or retreat into themselves or quietly seek help from others regarding the issue.

3. Trust Building Stage. This stage takes place when the couple has decided to stay together. During this stage, the couple really tries to make their marriage work. They decide that a continued commitment to their relationship is important and with time, eventually forgiveness and trust can be achieved.

After an infidelity occurs, you may still find yourself often doubting your partner. Don’t lose heart, there is hope. Here are some signs that may indicate if a person is still worthy of your love.
# Expresses sincere remorse and regret for cheating on you

#Heartfelt apologies feel true when you hear them

# Accepts total blame for his or her betrayal

# Cuts off all contact with the third party

# Shows a renewed appreciation, admiration, respect and devotion to only you

#Displays a willingness and openness to talk about what happened

#Is willing and eager to go into marriage counseling with you .
If both of you are willing to participate in a deep, open, and honest conversation regarding your relationship and how you would like it to progress, there is a good chance you will be able to work through your issues.

If, on the other hand, your partner is not open to discussing these things with you and not demonstrating any of the possible reconcilement signs listed above, it may be time to cut your losses and get out. Additional signs that it might be time to end the relationship are: your partner seems to be more agitated than usual and seems to emotionally and physically withdraw from you. They may go out alone more often and may be making clandestine phone calls or working late hours. You might even receive anonymous phone calls at the house. If several of these things are occurring, then most probably your partner is cheating on you. If you can find concrete evidence of this infidelity, then it’s probably a good idea to break up. A relationship that is based on lies, lacks trust and lack of commitment is doomed to fail.

After an infidelity occurs, be aware of any signs that may indicate your partner’s willingness to stay and work it out or clear intention to follow along the path of continued betrayal. Just be careful and pay attention. Make the best decision for you.

How to Change Your Life,Get Out of Bed to Follow Your Dreams

How to Change Your Life,Get Out of Bed to Follow Your Dreams
We all want to live out our dreams, and create the life we want.You can follow your own path, wake up excited, and live on your own terms.Reclaim Your Dreams will show you step by step how to make your dreams take root in the world.

Many people feel that everything in life is just an empty waste of time, totally pointless. So much of our time spent on empty interactions, work to earn money, but to pay taxes and survive, etc. it just a waste of time an effort, given the inevitable end.

This is a very depressing way to live, and ironically it is often about people who consider themselves spiritual or feel that there is a higher purpose in life.

Problems are always difficulties when only a portion of the whole. If you are a whole or on both sides of the coin, to all of the problems because the target solution, or the cause is especially clear. Ind eed, and eternal objectively speaking, all the things we do in life are ultimately meaningless. Let’s look at the other side of the coin with an analogy. If you’re a city dweller and someone offered a truck with manure, would leave no use for it and simply. However, if you would. Grateful for this gift to accept a farmer .

A person is someone else’s shit fertilizer
What is the meaning of life? Anyone tell you the reason of our existence with absolute certainly is probably selling something else. No one knows for sure. The proof of the uncertainty is that there are so many theories. How could so many people are equal as the ultimate reason for us?

The different religions vary a good loving Creator God who made the world and us, because he is an evil demigod creator of this universe and as a prison keeping us dive light so he can keep us in such in control of all things means omnipotent being with the only infinite attribute his ego.

Whether it is a good or an evil God, all traditions tell us the same thing about what we should do while here on earth, and that it to better ourselves. I want to live by the common denominator that everyone agrees on. Tha, to me, seems like a safe bet, a more aware and better person in a way I can express myself.

I think we can all agree that there are some fundamental properties of the character that we would do with cultivating while eliminating others. Correct More and more emotionally balanced, free from negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, greed, self derected rather easily manipulated, emotionally independent, sensible, present, the list goes on.
Challenges of life can be summed up in the famous phrase of Friedrich Nietzsche: ‘’What does not kill me makes me stronger.’’

It also clear that in every challenge, we have a chance to practice and gain strength. The problem is, as we see when the final exam rather than just an exercise, we all panic.

f life is nothing more than a load of fertilizer, and we want the farmers growing a crop of nutritious, healthy food, we can look a human life in this way. Our birth is equal to the planting of the seeds and death is the harvesting of the crop. Have you noticed that the new shoots of grass or leaves are such green, almost iridescent. That’s a wonderful life between birth and death, an iridescent one.

In the meantime, the area should be provided, and fertilized. The interesting thing about the manure on the field is that once the crop sprouts because of the nutritious minerals we disappeared fertilizer to the soil, added. All that remains is the beatiful crop.

During the period of germination, many weeds. Our purpose in life is very simple. Do what you want to do for work, as long as you have enough money you are picking out the weeds and feending the good harvest to keep. Earn satisfield and growing niche for your mental and emotional area.
The bottom of our mind is often very close to concrete, you may have noticed a few people who would fit that description. People who constantly do what they know is bad for them instead of doing what they know is good for many fertilize them.

See everything in life a temporary, but necessary process to end your day in a beatiful house overlooking a lush vibrant vegetation, Become what you have repeated fertilization. The results of your life will be a wonderful sight to remember and for others to cherish, all because you lived up to your in the…

And now, the irrelevant, temporary BS of life once great and free your World. See the wiki versus objective reality of what purpose is served instead of just the event itself. Know that this is necessary and all very temporary, quickly forgotten once your mind and heart have germinated and sprouted in a magnificent human bring emotional and intellectual food for everyone you meet is.

Keep this little thought with you and you will all the problems and frustations to resolve quickly intervene:

When we are born, the seen is planted, us the shit life so that we can grow. With an open heart and mind the crop is vibrant, and our harvest is when we die. With this vision, we will be a joy to everyone including ourselves long before we die.
How to Change Your Life,Get Out of Bed to Follow Your Dreams

Funny Questions About Life That Make You Think | Humor

Funny Questions About Life That Make You Think | Humor
Have you ever had one of those funny questions about life? Then please read on. If it when I think about funny questions and thoughts about life, every time I do anything I thing I’ve seen have never seen with more to come from my own. Below are some of the ones I’ve discovered or written, but I know there’s more, because it is good life. So if you read this funny questions and thoughts about life, you will find smile, they run together. All right, let’s get started!

#Why does Hawaiian pizza also Canadian bacon? Grape Nuts cereal. No grapes no nuts. Huh? What is the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup? Dutch people always split the bill you? If you use Miracle Whip on Wonder Bread, you have to use Heavenly Ham?

#Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale? They make bullet proof vests, why not bullet proof pants? Why oriental rug stores always out of business? Is there a difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny?

#if it is just a game to start a forest fire in order to light me why on earth a whole box of matches and a can of lighter fluid on my grill? If they send these Styrofoam chips they pack them in? How do you know when pickles or sour cream has gone bad?

#how can one know when their bagpipes need tuning? Allstate Insurance has a disclaimer that reads: not available in all states. What? If Donkey Kong’s main character is a monkey, why is it not as Monkey kong? Why does the world lisp an ‘’s’’ in it?

#How come you never the headline ‘’Psychic Wins Lottery’’? The next time someone says, ‘’Now I’ve seen everything’’, ask them if they’ve ever seen a UPS truck parked in a parking space. Has anyone ever really seen a jolly Rancher? If you get a soda stain, how can you remove it?

#Has someone has been (besides Donald Trump’s wife) ever been fooled by a comb over? Is it really possible that the direction of a bowling ball by waving you to change your hands? There are seniors, so why not there junior citizens?
Funny Questions About Life That Make You Think | Humor
#They say laughter is the best medicine so who came up with the phrase: ‘’I died laughing’’? Why do doctors leave the room when your getting dressed? After all, they have already seen you naked. What’s wrong with the United States? You have only two options for the President, but fifty for Miss America. Is there a reason why they nail down the lid of a coffin? Butterflies when angry or nervous, what they get in their stomachs?

#Where do they put price stickers on non stick pans? If it’s lipstick, why has it been? When they sing “”Take me out to the ball game””, they are already there. Why? Whose idea was it to get the world abbreviation so long?

Yes, these are just a few of the questions about life fun that men and women try souls. And there are a ton more funny questions about life not listed here. Some of them come to me in the course of a day. For example, why every shampoo bottle say lather, rinse, repeat? I’m sorry, I miss my head entirely the first time, or you just want to sell more shampoo?
Funny Questions about life